Energeia Reviews

The process of melting off some pounds and still looking the same could be mentally and physically draining. So, in this article we will be reviewing this product Energeia and see whether it lives up to the hype or not. Click Here To Visit – “OFFICIAL WEBSITE”


What is Energeia?

Energeia is a regular oral Dietary enhancement that constitutes a natural fat burning formula which helps the users to lose weight organically and amp up the metabolic process of the body. This helps in burning excess body fat. The time tested formula of this oral supplement blends well with the body. This supplement contains exotic and rare herbs that are organically extract from Greece. The recipe of Energeia contains the right quantity of ingredients that increases the metabolic rate. This product is rich in antioxidants which helps in detoxification and prompts overall well-being naturally.

About the Creator

Gary Watson, a personal trainer, Formulated Energeia to  help the society to lose weight by changing their lifestyle. He has over 25 years of experience in weight loss training.

Working of Energeia

  • The constituents of this supplement are formulate in such a way that it activates a cascade of physiological processes of fat loss.
  • Energeia initiates the action of fat-loss enzyme that promotes digestion, metabolism and helps in burning or melting of excess visceral fat. Moreover this supplement increases weight loss by boosting fat metabolism, impairing fat absorption and increases fat oxidation during intense exercise.
  • It clears out toxins with the help of antioxidants through the process of detoxification. And It turns fat into energy. It also maintains the thyroid and insulin level which are essential for weight loss.

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Caralluma Fimbreata

Caralluma Fimbreata, commonly called acacia fibre, belongs to the family Apocynaceae, which is popularly grown in India. The extract of this plant has successfully been pigeonhole as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status for the reason that it staves off the most serious public health concern like obesity. Caralluma Fimbreata, a succulent plant crammed with anorectics, a compound that reduces appetite and inhibits total food intake. It is consumed by people above the age of 30 years. Apart from its appetite suppressing effects it also increases the metabolism and amps up body energy level. Moreover, It also increases endurance and mitigates thirst. It curtails compulsive overeating in children, thereby reducing the cases of eating disorders.

Nigella sativa

Nigella sativa, publicly acknowledged as Black Cumin, is a flowering plant widely used in traditional medicine in some African countries. The oil obtained from the seeds of Nigella Sativa aids in surmounting lower blood sugar level, oxidative cell damage, fight neural inflammation, and retards blood pressure levels. As per The Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders have affirmed that Nigella Sativa is a key weight loss ingredient and suppresses obesity, thereby decreasing BMI or body mass index.

Garcina Cambogia Extract

Recent Researches proved that Garcina Cambogia Extract fights weight loss by activating Lipase, which breaks down abundant fat in the body and roots them out. It also enhances the metabolic repair of the body. Moreover, the fruit of this plant possess several chemicals that reacts with Ghrelin and Leptin ,appetite-controlling hormone, to retard the appetite.

Green Tea Leaf Extract

Green Tea leaf extract that refines the quality of sleep and metabolism. It secretes some happy chemicals that relaxes the brain and activates some metabolic processes.it contains antioxidants and polyphenols. Antioxidants shuts out toxins and in turn detoxifies the body, promotes skin health, aids in weight loss, and perks up cardiovascular function.Green tea leaf also reduces the risk of Type II Diabetes .

Purple Tea Extract

Purple Tea is use  in various medicines .The Extract Purple tea releases caffeine and catechins like EHCG. Epigallocatechin gallate abbreviated as EGCG  interacts with hormonal activity inside the  body which increases fat breakdown in the adipose tissue. EGCG also inhibits catalytic activity of a fat burning hormone that roots out fat into the bloodstream. Caffeine and EGCG coordinate together to amp up the body’s metabolism rate and sparks off the natural fat burning process. It lowers cholesterol level. Individuals who drink purple tea regularly for at least 30 days, experience reduction in BMI, weight, and even abdominal fat.

Energeia Reviews


  • Slenderizes the body- The constituents of this product  promote fat burn and roots of toxic substances from the body.
  • Increases weight loss-When the excess fat is melted, then it reduces the overall weight.
  • Normalizes blood sugar level and pressure in those with elevated levels.
  • Cholesterol level- as the constituent helps in releasing the toxin and fats from the body, there will be a boost overall health. It also reduces the risk of heart attack directly.
  • Prevents fat cell build-up and turns fat into energy. So it is highly recommend for the people having slow metabolism.
  • The unique recipe of this supplement back-pedals the signs of aging, and significantly slows it down.
  • This formulates healthy gut microbiomes and initiates the lipase enzyme.
  •  It maintains insulin and thyroid like hormone levels.
  • By the process of detoxification, it clears away toxins and impurities from the body and makes you feel rejuvenated.
  •  It reduces risk of cardiac arrest and liver disease. Though get the product check before you get on it.


  • The website strictly mentions that this product is not recommended for pregnant women or individuals below the age of 18. So, it is recommend to keep the product out of their reach.
  • Miracles don’t happen overnight, individuals have to consistently consume this product at least for a few days. 
  • According to some consumers this supplement can cause nausea or headache in the beginning which will fade away within a short period of time. If the side effects don’t seem to go away, check with your doctor and find out why it’s been developing.

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  • One bottle of Energeia has 60 tiny and easy to swallow dietary capsules.
  • It is recommend that one should consume 2 capsules of Energeia every morning  for at least 90- to 180 days. Expecting the result within the first few days could be disappointing.
  • The consumer can experience  great results within one month but the consumer has to take it for a longer period to get long lasting results.
  • In case of pregnant or lactating mothers or an individual with chronic health condition one should consult a physician before taking this supplement as it alters hormone production.

Energeia Pricing and Refund Policy

As per the website

  •  One bottle of Energeia is priced for $89 plus shipping charges.
  •  Three bottles of Energeia will cost $59 per bottle (free shipping).
  •  Six bottles of Energeia are priced at $39 per bottle (free shipping). Prudent consumers can go for the package after they are done testing it.

Moreover, the maker of Energeia gives 60 days 100% money back guarantee. This means if you are not happy with the results or if there is any side-effect due to this supplement then the consumers are entitled for complete refund within the first two months of purchase. 

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Final Words

Now the question arises, whether or not a person should be taking such supplements? If we head over in the direction of the benefits of ingesting such pills, the company/creator claims to have come up with the composition without taking recourse to any sort of chemicals, and if anything, the pill is compose of natural ingredients only as you can find in the article. This may come out on top of the list with it’s pros, which are summarised hereafter.

The product has N number of perks of slenderizing or slimming down of the body by burning fat and calories, losing weight, helps stabilize the patient’ blood sugar levels in case of elevation, cholesterol level significantly slumps down, helps get rid of toxins from the body, slows down aging in those who consume it as prescribed, just to name but a few. Over and above all, the product comes with a money-back guarantee so if it does noy work, you will get your money back. So far, so cool.


The negative side of this would be that some users cannot easily confide in supplements that “promise” to have been effective in losing weight/speed up the process/ journey of weight loss. One more downside of this could be that, since it strictly puts out for pregnant women and minors to stay away from the supplement, this may very well raise a few eyebrows if the product even works or they are just bluffing. This leads us on to it’s other negative and that is, this supplement is costly when the market is fill with cheaper supplements offering just the same amount of benefits / perks. 

The bottom line would be that the product, if bought in a pack, may be cheaper and one can give it a whirl after consulting their family doctor for any existing allergies to such supplements. One can go through the ingredients to check if there’s anything that could aggravate their existing medical history, for intaking such supplements in an indirect form could be as perilous to the body.

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Energeia reviews

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