Diy Sun Tracking Device Reviews

Diy Sun Tracking Device Reviews (Updated) – The sun is the most important source of energy for plants. This article describes how to build an inexpensive sun-tracking device in order to expose plants to a certain amount of sunlight over the course of the day. The solar panels used should face south, operate in a range of voltages, and have a relatively high power output. Although this design is not as efficient as a professionally manufactured unit, it will achieve the goal of adjusting your plant’s exposure to sunlight over the course of the day.

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Diy Sun tracking device Reviews

Diy Sun Tracking Device:

When it comes to gardening, the Diy Sun Tracking Device is your most important tool. To guarantee the optimum growth of your plants, they need sunlight at specific time during the day. This project will show you how to build a simple DIY sun-tracking device that can be used to expose plants to sunlight at any time, depending on your needs.

Sunlight is the most important source of energy for plants. However, due to the Earth’s rotation, it does not rise and fall at the same place during the day, and it doesn’t always shine directly on your garden. If you want to grow healthy and strong plants, you need to know which time of day is best for them to receive sunlight.

Sun-tracking devices can automatically adjust the solar panels so that they face the sun at any given moment of the day, regardless of where it rises and sets. They can be very expensive, though, which is why we have designed a simple home-made unit that will track the sun for you at no cost other than your own labor.

The design can be improved in several ways: add more solar panels to increase the power output, add an additional motor so each panel tracks separately, use a microcontroller to turn the motors at different speeds based on the time of day, etc. The design presented here uses low-cost components and is intended as a simple demonstration of how such a device can be built.

What is the Diy Sun Tracking device?

The Diy Sun Tracking Device is a device that enables your plant to get sunlight at certain periods of the day. This device is a sun-tracking version of a simple fixed solar panel.

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A sun-tracking device is an electrical system, which follows the course of the sun across the sky each day so as to keep a photovoltaic panel pointed at it during daylight hours. The power of sunlight varies throughout the day and year, and a tracking system is needed to optimize collection under such conditions. A tracker will also improve the collection by keeping the array pointed at the sun as it moves through its diurnal arc.

The Diy Sun Tracking Device includes: 

  •  Two solar panels (30Wp)
  •  Two batteries 12V/8Ah
  • One controller 24V 10Amp
  • One charge regulator 12V/10Amp
  • Aluminum honeycomb for thermal insulation 50mm / 100mm / 200mm
  • Plastic base 90 cm x 90cm x 4 cm high
  • V groove ball bearing 40 mm dia 3 pcs + spacer 5mm for shaft 1 pc
  • Threaded bar M12 4 pcs + nut 1 pc
  • Flat steel for building structure 1 piece
  • Saw blade 200 mm x 10mm x 3 pcs
  • L brackets 20mm 2pcs
  • Screws and bolts M8,M10,M12 various pcs
  • Power cord with male and female socket

How it works:

  • The Diy Sun Tracking Device has a controller which directs the solar panels to track the sun’s movements such that the photovoltaic panels face directly towards it during daylight hours.
  • A magnetic tracker is usually employed to turn the array; this may be of the passive fluxgate type or, more commonly today, an active electronically controlled device, either a rotary or linear tracker.
  • The Diy Sun Tracking Device is built to be able to track the sun and give your plant as much sun as possible.


If the tracking system uses a rotary axis, this is driven by a gear train which increases or reduces the speed according to whether it is summer or winter.

This type of tracking system works better in cold climates than in hot ones due to expansion and contraction effects on the main bearings.

An electronically controlled tracker such as used for solar panels enables direct control of the rotation rate using sensors that detect changes in direction relative to an initial reference position.

It has been found that maximum energy yields from PV systems occur when approximately 15% of each day’s available sunlight is captured (time varies based on geographic location).

In addition, tracking the sun from east to west during the day will optimize a plants exposure to sunlight. This movement is made possible by a motorized or manually turned base that enables the Sun Tracking Device to turn towards it’s target.

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Technical specifications:

The Diy Sun Tracking Device is built to track the sun all day long. The system has a power output of 30Wp under standard test conditions (STC) with an irradiance of 1,000 watts per square meter and insolation of 1,000 watt-hours per square meter.

A flat panel will produce slightly more power in high latitudes than at equatorial sites due to the effect described by Sörnmo below; this can be corrected by using two or more arrays pointing in different directions.

This means that the overall efficiency of a tracking array could exceed that of a fixed array in some cases. However, if one uses batteries to store the energy after collection, it is more beneficial to use a stationary panel.

It is possible that the overall efficiency of a tracking system with batteries and no bypass diode will be less than that of a fixed panel due to battery self-discharge.

How to Use:

In terms of usage, the Diy Sun Tracking Device is a device to track sun according to your plant’s needs.

The Diy Sun Tracking Device has coordinates of latitude and longitude.

For example, The device’s controller has negative (-) or positive (+) coordinates of latitude and longitude.

You can set the controller to point its solar panels a certain number of degrees from the equator, to the North or South Pole.

You can also set the controller to point its solar panels a specific number of degrees East or West.

When the sun rises in the East, it illuminates the panels from the side.

The solar panel converts sunlight into electricity too, but not as much as when it’s pointed directly at the sun.

The controller will direct your solar panels to track the sun’s movements such that the photovoltaic panels face directly towards it during daylight hours.

The components require a power source, and this can be accomplished by connecting them to a compatible charge controller. The charge controller regulates the voltage from PV arrays for optimum performance and prevent overcharging batteries.

The components of the Diy Sun Tracking Device will collect and store energy in batteries, which can be used to power your home during blackouts and other emergencies. Various components of the Diy Sun Tracking Device are used to power appliances.

What are the Benefits of Diy Sun tracking device?

The device is built to track the sun all day long. There are many benefits to using a Sun Tracking Device, especially in conjunction with solar panels.

The device provides cool shade throughout the hot part of the day, protecting your panel and battery investment longer than if they were exposed to the full sunlight at all times.

The device also allows for a more efficient use of the panel’s available power. At solar noon, for example, when the sun is highest in the sky and has maximum intensity, panels that are stationary must absorb this high level of sunlight over a very small surface area (usually at their edge).

A tracking device can spread out this same amount of power over a much larger area, allowing much more efficient power absorption.

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Diy Sun tracking device

As a final note:

The Diy Sun Tracking Device is an open source system. The system will track the sun and give your plant more sun than it would get without the tracking device.

The Diy Sun Tracking Device is composed of two solar panels, two batteries, one controller, one charge regulator and many other parts to make the system function properly.

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Ques 1: What is the capacity of the power supply?

A: The Diy Sun Tracking Device includes two batteries 12V/8Ah.

Ques 2: What inverter will work with this battery pack?

A: It can be used with a 24VDC to 230VDC inverter.

Ques 3: Will this unit provide power all day, or only when the sunlight is hitting the panels?

A: It will track the sun so it will be powered all day.

Ques 4: What size inverter can I connect to charge a 12V car battery?

A: The minimum size of an inverter that can be used would be 2000W. The maximum would depend on how much load you are putting on the inverter at any given time. If you plan to use small loads, then 2000W should work fine. However, if you’re going to run high wattage appliances (such as an air conditioner), then 4000W may be necessary for short periods of time. Generally speaking though, there’s no reason why an inverter of this size would not be able to charge a 12V car battery.

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