12 Rounds with Tyson Reviews

Mike Tyson has created a curriculum called “12 Rounds with Tyson” to teach his trainees how to win a life-or-death battle. He discusses the 12 workouts he performed to help him win the championship. It also discusses the life lessons Mike received from his mentors, the most significant of which was Cus D’Amato.

The digital handbook “12 Rounds With Tyson” is intended to help readers improve every aspect of their lives. This presentation explains how Mike Tyson rose to fame, fell from grace, and then rose again.  => EXCLUSIVE OFFER: 12 Rounds with Tyson is Available at the LOWEST Price Here”

12 Rounds with Tyson

When does “12 Rounds with Tyson” occur, and what does it entail?

Mike Tyson’s name is familiar to practically everyone, even if they don’t know much about him. He became the youngest heavyweight boxing champion in 1986, and some fortunate individuals were there to see it.

He was 19 when he won the heavyweight boxing title in 1986. He knocked out his opponent in the second round when he was 20. He had to win two more titles in his professional career before being crowned Heavyweight Champion of the World.

Four years after this incredible high, he struck rock bottom when he lost his first bout. He then embarked on a road leading to emotional and financial catastrophe. Even though his career turned for the worst that looked unreversible, he has accomplished a great deal since then.

He disproved his detractors and rebuilt his life. He now has a loving wife, strong connections with his children, and knows some of the decade’s most significant individuals. He might have been proud, but instead, he created “12 Rounds with Tyson.”

Why 12 Rounds with Tyson is so popular?

There will be a total of 12 rounds. Tyson assists others in improving how they train their minds and achieve all of their objectives by reflecting on the adjustments he has made in his own life and sharing what he has learned.

This is the first time the champion has provided such a training program. He intends to impart the wisdom he has received from his various professors and experiences, including Cus D’Amato’s advice, in it.

The term “12 Rounds” stems from the fact that participants in the program will take 12 distinct courses, each covering a different educational subject. Mike Tyson is generous with his keys to success, which he has worked on since his first bout.

The courses will be valuable regardless of the user’s eventual objective for taking them. Clients may discover how to generate extra money during one of the first few exercises. He helps individuals improve their relationships by doing three things, and that’s only the beginning.

People should reconsider if they believe this method is simply another self-help book published by someone looking to earn money fast. Nobody other has experienced the same highs and lows as Mike Tyson, and after reading this book, the reader will be forced to reconsider what they consider to be the pinnacle of achievement.

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What is in it?

Each of the course’s 12 DVDs, “12 Rounds With Tyson,” will teach you how to advance in your job. Mike’s boxing instructor and trainer, Cus D’Amato, suggested a couple of rounds. Cus D’Amato, Mike’s instructor, started teaching him the ropes when Mike was a child.

12 Rounds with Tyson covers a wide range of topics, including the ones listed below.

Round 1: is all about determining your true potential and destiny.

Mike Tyson spent more of his formative years in jail than in school, but it didn’t stop him from becoming a world champion in boxing.

He believed that a criminal life was his only alternative. Cus D’Amato, on the other hand, looked Mike Tyson in the eyes and encouraged him to bring out the greatness already inside him.

Mike Tyson demonstrates how to work from the inside out and where you may acquire fuel for your fire in the opening round. To be genuinely great, you must smash your self-doubt, self-criticism, and insecurity.

Round 1 will also teach you three essential habits to help you get your life back on track and stay grounded.

Round 2:The Tyson Goal-Setting Blueprint

Cus D’Amato was a firm believer in establishing strategies to achieve one’s objectives. He was outspoken about it.

Even before he won the title, Mike Tyson saw himself as the uncontested Heavyweight Champion of the World.

He could feel the weight of the gold-covered belt. Mike discusses how to pick the correct objectives and see them in your head to help you achieve your goals in the second section.

Some of your dreams may be as basic as ticking items off a daily list or completing a fitness challenge once a month.

Round 3: Overcoming your anxieties

Mike Tyson credits Cus D’Amato for helping him overcome his dread of fighting in the ring. A fighter’s most common emotion is fear.

Cus Mike sat down with Mike Tyson the night before his first amateur bout and taught him how to utilize fear to his advantage. Worry, he remarked, is like fire because it can either cook your meal or burn down your home.

Successful people use fear to prevent them from succumbing to stress. Mike Tyson recommends practicing Round 3 first thing in the morning if you want to move from being terrified to not being fearful.

Round 4: Putting all you have into attempting to be great.

Significant accomplishments need unselfish generosity. If you want to succeed, you must pay for it. You’ll have to forgo the happy hour party to go to the gym.

Regain control of your everyday life and grow closer to your objectives. When you resolve to be great, you will discover the value of self-sacrifice and the power of simple mental tricks.

Round 5: the tried-and-true method for permanently changing someone’s behavior.

Successful people are dedicated and have excellent habits. They have mastered these rites over many years. This is the fifth round of Mike’s discussion on how to develop, stay with, and maintain habits.

He also discusses getting back on your feet after a setback, developing positive habits, and increasing your enthusiasm. He also offers a severe 30-day habit-building challenge to those serious about developing powerful, long-lasting habits.

Round 6: science behind autosuggestion and how it may be used in the real world.

Mike Tyson’s hypnosis instructor, Cus D’Amato, taught him how to employ autosuggestion. To believe in anything, you must first prepare your subconscious mind and maintain that conviction.

It won’t be easy to convince your reasoning mind to work toward a goal if you do not have a strong belief in anything. In this sixth round, you’ll discover how Mike Tyson uses his subconscious mind to produce long-term advancements.

Round 7: Counterattacks are 10 times more effective than blows.

People that succeed are more likely to take chances. Their punches are also 10 times more powerful. We may confidently assert that everyone on the planet has failed at something.

Michael Jordan achieved greatness despite missing a few free shots over his career. Mike Tyson discusses utilizing adversity to drive oneself in the seventh round. He teaches you the theory and the practice of learning from your errors.

Round 8: State your position clearly.

In Round 8, you’ll have the opportunity to learn how to articulate your perfect life and begin making efforts to make it a reality.

Discover how a winner employs “theatre of the mind” to achieve their objectives even when faced with several challenges.

Round 9: start thinking like your opponent.

Your mind craves calm and quiet and It despises waking up at 4 a.m. to run seven kilometers. It does not want to spend a lot of time at the gym.

At various points in your life, your mind and body may be your most excellent and worst companions. Round 9 may teach you how to permanently overcome self-doubt and develop your mental powers so that you may be your best self.

Round 10: the most excellent method for gaining followers.

People who succeed in life generally collaborate with others. Many individuals accompany them on their voyage, including supporters, coaches, friends, family members, and parents.

In Round 10, you’ll see Mike’s strategy for growing a large fan following. This includes selecting your training partners, teachers, friends, and colleagues.

Round 11: How the Winner Selects Mentors

People who taught you had a significant role in shaping who you are now. The most dangerous competitors attend school until they are ancient.

They are always learning new things and improving on what they already know. You can never realize your full potential if you do not have a competent mentor to guide you.

Round 12: Don’t Stop Fighting

Mike Tyson believes that round 12 is the most significant aspect of the bout. You can now decide to make a point of battling hard every day.

If you want to be successful, you must work hard and never give up. This mindset is required for long-term success.

MUST SEE: “Controversial 12 Rounds with Tyson Report – This May Change Your Mind”

Special benefits

Anyone who purchases this will have unfettered access to a wealth of helpful information and a guide to help them succeed.

The Official 12 Rounds Companion Guide is a supplement for those who wish to learn all they need before beginning this program.

After signing up for the waitlist, the developers will randomly choose one individual to get Mr. Tyson’s autograph on a pair of boxing gloves. People that sign up for the waiting list will not squander their time.

If you purchase anything and find that it does not fulfill your requirements within 60 days, you may return it for a full refund. Those inquiring about 12 Rounds With Tyson may email the firm at [email protected].


The “12 Rounds with Tyson” masterclass and the official guidebook are available for $47. A 30-day money-back guarantee backs every order.

Let’s imagine for a second that Mike Tyson’s 12 guiding exercises don’t change people’s perspectives.

12 Rounds with Tyson reviews


12 Rounds with Tyson is an instructional masterclass that puts viewers in Mike’s shoes and allows them to do the same workouts that his trainer, Cus D’Amato, taught him.

Self-improvement books may benefit some people, but Mike is sure that they would not have helped him since he needs something that would take him to the depths of hell.

Even though he never considered quitting, he persisted since he saw the darkness, setbacks, and ongoing troubles. Cus D’Amato, Mike’s instructor, he claims, altered the path of his life and profession.

Every aspect of this masterclass is designed to assist those who attend to attain their maximum potential.

To accomplish this, you will lead them through the steps of developing a viable plan, confronting challenges, letting go or making sacrifices for greatness, cultivating positive habits and allies that will last a lifetime, physically experiencing each affirmation, laying the groundwork for a future vision, practicing self-discipline, and selecting the right mentor to assist them in overcoming their current situation.

We believe this masterclass will be passionate and practical, demonstrating the benefits and drawbacks of the issue at hand and resulting in one of the most well-rounded tactics available.


get it now

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